Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Diffusion Confusion

Diffusion Confusion Diffusion Confusion Diffusion Confusion By Maeve Maddox The Latin verb diffundere, â€Å"to pour in different directions,† gives us the noun diffusion, the verb diffuse, and the adjective diffuse. The noun and the adjective present few difficulties, but the verb is often used ambiguously or incorrectly. Note: The si in diffusion represents the zh sound. The adjective is pronounced with a soft s sound; the verb is pronounced with a hard s sound: diffusion noun /di-FJU-zhn/ diffuse adjective /di-FJUS/ diffuse verb /di-FJUZ/ The noun diffusion refers to the action of spreading or dispersing something. In the context of physics, diffusion is â€Å"the permeation of a gas or liquid between the molecules of another fluid placed in contact with it.† Photographers and painters use the word diffusion to refer to â€Å"the process of slightly scattering a portion of the image-forming light to give a pleasing artistic softness to a photograph [or painting].† Figuratively, diffusion refers to the spreading or scattering of people, customs, or knowledge: In his Researches into the Early History he  ascribes the  curious custom of couvade  to diffusion, an interpretation that few modern ethnologists would countenance. Carnegie donated $300,000 to build Washington, D.C.s oldest library. The building was dedicated to the diffusion of knowledge. The adjective diffuse means â€Å"spreading out.† A tree, for example, might have â€Å"diffuse branches.† A â€Å"diffuse writing style† is wordy. An artist paints a picture in which the light is â€Å"diffuse and ethereal.† A population that is not concentrated in one area, but scattered over a region, is diffuse: Variation in state laws is related to whether the gay and lesbian population is concentrated (where laws permit inequality) or  diffuse  (where laws promote equality).- The Washington Post. Like the other words derived from diffundere, the verb diffuse conveys the sense of â€Å"scattering or spreading abroad†: The Japanese  intended to diffuse  Japanese language and culture throughout the archipelago. Efforts have been made  to diffuse Christianity  throughout the world.   When an artist diffuses the light in a painting, the particles of paint that represent light are spread out, producing a softened effect. Perhaps it is this use of diffuse that causes some speakers to use diffuse as if it means â€Å"to soften† or â€Å"to make less tense.† For example: While there have been signs that China’s leadership is taking some initiatives intended to diffuse the situation, there are no indications whatsoever that the present tough policy on Tibet will mellow.- Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies. Or, the writer of the above example may have confused the words diffuse and defuse. Literally, the verb defuse means â€Å"to remove the fuse from an explosive device.† Taking the fuse out of a bomb makes it totally ineffective. Figuratively, defuse means â€Å"to make a situation less tense† or â€Å"to make something ineffective.† If the intended meaning is â€Å"make less tense† or â€Å"forestall,† ambiguity may be avoided by choosing defuse or some word other than diffuse to express it. Here are some options: ease calm soothe mitigate palliate moderate reduce lighten Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant NamesHow Long Should a Paragraph Be?6 Foreign Expressions You Should Know

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Tips About 10 Technological Terms

Tips About 10 Technological Terms Tips About 10 Technological Terms Tips About 10 Technological Terms By Mark Nichol Which tech terms merit capitalization, and which are generic? Which terms are open compounds, and which are treated as one word? Here’s a guide to treatment of some of the most common names for technological phenomena: 1. App: This abbreviation of application has existed for nearly a quarter century but has only recently entered general usage. Few publications bother to use the full term on first reference. 2. E-mail: This abbreviation of â€Å"electronic mail† prevails in usage over email. (Note that the e should not be capitalized.) The formal plural is e-mail (or, if you prefer â€Å"e-mail messages,† to distinguish the transmissions from the term for the concept); e-mails is the informal plural form. E-book, e-commerce, and associated terms follow the hyphenation style of e-mail. 3. Global Positioning System: This satellite-based navigation system is a specific entity enabled by the US government and is therefore initial capitalized. It is also identified by the abbreviation GPS, which is so ubiquitous that some publications don’t bother to spell the name out on first reference. However, to distinguish between the system and a device that employs it, I recommend using the abbreviation as an adjective in that context for example, â€Å"GPS receiver† rather than the letters alone. 4. Home page: This term for the page from which all other pages on a website are accessed is generally treated as an open compound, though some publications close it. 5. Initial lowercase letters: Honor initial lowercase letters (iPhone), midcaps (YouTube), and the like, but in the case, so to speak, of the former, avoiding starting a sentence with such aberrant branding gimmicks. 6. In-box: This word for your e-mail program’s main folder for incoming messages, borrowed from the name for a tray on the top of a desk in which papers are delivered to the desk’s occupant, is often hyphenated, though Gmail, at least, treats it as a closed compound, as do some publications. 7. Internet: Some publications, arguing that the Internet is an amorphous network of interconnected computers, lowercase this term, but most treat it as a proper noun as do organizations that set international standards and maintain technological infrastructure. (However, intranet, which refers to a closed, internal online network for example, that of a company is generic.) Some day, though, Internet may, like many other once capitalized terms, be downgraded to generic status. 8. Software names: Capitalize names of all software. Also, when referring to word-processing software, include the brand name â€Å"Microsoft Word,† â€Å"Adobe Acrobat,† and so on at least on first reference. 9. Smartphone: This term for is a mobile phone with sophisticated recording and communication functions is a closed compound. 10. Web: When the word appears by itself to refer to the World Wide Web, or when it appears in open compounds such as â€Å"Web page† and â€Å"Web host,† retain initial capitalization. When it is the first component of a closed compound (webmaster, website), lowercase it. (You’ll find the latter example as two words, with web capitalized, elsewhere on this site, because I just recently accepted the inevitable and started styling the term in the prevailing form rather than the one long favored by the technorati.) Also, observe the distinction between the Web and the Internet; the former is but one component of the latter. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comparative Forms of AdjectivesThe Four Sounds of the Spelling OUUlterior and Alterior

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Controls Tmobile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Controls Tmobile - Essay Example T-Mobile, however, is part of a very dynamic technology market where both of these strategies are important in staying competitive as other companies constantly evolve their tactics. According to Miller, et al. â€Å"Organizational environments differ in their degree of instability or turbulence, thereby creating very different contexts for adaptation† (Miller et al., 1998). In short, this means that a company in stable economic times with few competitors or other outside pressures will adapt by making small modifications to its approach to strategic planning, but when faced with major outside forces it will certainly make quick assessments and implementation of change in order to compete. Because dynamic business markets means constant change and high competition, T-Mobile is much more likely than companies in other industries to use strategic plans that involve quick reaction to change on the operational level. While this often works to the benefit of the company there are drawbacks. Organizations in stable environments are more likely to employ strategic objectives that maintain the status quo and may keep the business headed in a positive direction for longer periods of time with little fluctuation. In the United States, T-Mobile and many of the major players in the telecommunications industry have responded to government deregulation by becoming more dynamic, perhaps at the price of long-term stability in the market. In order to excel, T-Mobile uses the strategy of employing dynamic change to deliver new products and services in dynamic, constantly evolving ways. At T-Mobile, the operational levels closely match the goals of the company’s dynamic plan, demonstrating its strength. The company employs the ‘better-faster-cheaper’ mantra, and quickly changes pace to meet evolving customer expectations with innovative new products and services, evidencing the quick response of the company to outside pressures. For instance, in advertising the new

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Grace and Love in 'The Courtier' by Baldassare Castiglione Essay

Grace and Love in 'The Courtier' by Baldassare Castiglione - Essay Example In a sense, Castiglione wants to present them as ideal types, as the "onorati esempi di virt" ( IV, 2, 448: "honored models of worthiness"[287]) as can be read from his prologues. "When lord Guidobaldo di Montefeltro, duke of Urbino, passed from this life, I together with several other knights who had served him remained in the service of duke Francesco Maria della Rovere, heir and successor to Guidobaldo's state; and as in my mind there remained fresh the odor of duke Guido's virtues and the satisfaction which I in those years had felt from the loving company of such excellent persons, as then frequented the court of Urbino". Castiglione's goal in his work was to set his statements of praise for Urbino and its inhabitants in general and conventional terms. He did not cite the military exploits or civic triumphs of a character he praises, instead, he celebrates all of them for their virt, (virtue) their ingegno, (ingenuity) their ottime qualit (high dignity). Castiliogne pursues the elevation of Urbino's image to an exemplary moral excellence and its value for posterity. In his first two prologues, Castiglione highlights the superiority of Urbino's inhabitants. In the prologue to Book III, Castiglione states that if Urbino's pastimes convince him of its excellence, he should be able to imagine easily how much greater the courtiers' virtuous actions were (III, 1, 336). In the last prologue, Castiglione praises the courtiers directly as "omini per virt singulari" ( IV, 2, 446: "men singular in worth"[286]). He viewed the court as a paragon of moral exempla ( IV, 2, 448: "chiari ed onorati esempi di virt"). The court is presented as an ethical model not only to other existing courts at that time but also to the succeeding generations to come. Moreover, Castiglione confesses in the third prologue that he wrote his text carefully to "faria vivere negli animi dei posteri" (III, 1, 336: "make it live in the mind of posterity"[202]). Finally, as his culture upholds classical antiquity, he projects that the young and upcoming generation will envy his time because of the exemplary Urbino court. (III, 1, 336: "forse per l'avvenire non mancher chi per questo ancor porti invidia al secol nostro").Similarly, the virtues of grace and love which are present in Castiliogne's work are also present in Christian morals and manners. Christian morals are a function of moral discernment and moral reasoning. For instance, James Gustafson stated that moral discernment refer to basic dispositions that are shaped in part by the faith and trust Christians have as they offer themselves up to God. Moreover, James Gustafson stated that the concept of moral discernment was related to moral reasoning. Gustafson explained that moral reasoning pertains to a character, or personal moral ability, which covers dispositions, traits, and actions of the moral agent. (Selnick, 1992). Castiliogne stated that the courtier is expected to serve and increase in favour with her Lady. He should instruct her in virtue

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Public and Private Sector Accounting Essay Example for Free

Public and Private Sector Accounting Essay Accounting, known by and large to be a skilled, remunerative, but rather dry profession, has a long and fascinating history. In existence practically from the dawn of civilization, in one form or the other, accounting activity has been integral to some of the most important phases of history. Responsible for the invention of writing, accountants have over the ages, (because of their organic and fundamental association with the processes of trade, business, industry, governance, and taxation), been involved in monarchy and empire expansion, the process of colonisation, the industrial revolution, the World Wars, scientific progress, globalisation, and the spread of neo liberal economics across the world. Confucius, as a government official, was responsible for accounting, and much of what we know about the daily lives of ancient peoples comes from accounting records, such as inventories and sales records, found at archaeological sites. Accounting evolution has followed dissimilar routes in different countries and states and has been extensively shaped by the immediate and larger environment. Japan’s accounting processes, for example, which were significantly shaped by western influences, are very dissimilar from that of neighbouring China and have played an important role in the country’s far more rapid advancement in business, industry and international trade in the 19th and 20th centuries. Accounting policies and procedures in the modern day have, in somewhat similar fashion, evolved rather differently for private sector businesses and public sector corporations, being shaped and constructed by the unlike needs of the two sectors, the dissimilar nature of their income and expenditure streams, the different control processes under which they operate, and their diverse reporting requirements. Recent years have however witnessed significant rethinking in and rerouting of the functioning of public enterprises; the steadily increasing application of neo-liberal economic principles and greater accountability for the commercial and financial success of public sector corporations, leading to increasing convergence between the accounting policies and practices of the public with that of the private sector. This essay attempts to investigate the reasons for the differences in their historical evolution, and the current worldwide efforts to bring about greater convergence between the two accounting methods. Commentary and Discussion Historical Overview of Evolution of Accounting Whilst the extent of involvement of accounting activity in historical life across cultures is becoming clearer with the progress of archaeological work, the accounting profession has historically chosen to adopt a low profile, there being very few pioneers who can be identified with major accounting developments. The most important historical name to arise, in this connection, is that of Luca Pacioli, who in 1494 wrote a book on mathematics, in which he discussed the concept of double entry book keeping. The chapter on practical mathematics addressed mathematics in business. He said that the successful merchant needs three things: sufficient cash or credit, an accounting system that can tell him how he’s doing, and good bookkeeper to operate it. His accounting system consisted of journals and ledgers. It rested on the invention of double-entry bookkeeping. Debits were on the left side because that’ s what â€Å"debit† meant, â€Å"the left†. The numbers on the right were named â€Å"credits†. If everything was done right, then the bookkeeper could do a trial balance (â€Å"summa summarium†). Add up all the debits and then add up all the credits, he said. If everything had been done right, the totals should match. If not, â€Å"that would indicate a mistake in your Ledger, which mistake you will have to look for diligently with the industry and intelligence God gave you. † He wrote† It is difficult to overestimate the importance of double entry bookkeeping. Simple and adequate for the needs of business, it caught on immediately with Italian merchants, was central to their success, and contributed towards the impetus that led to the emergence of the Renaissance. Whilst the conceptualisation and implementation of the double entry system of bookkeeping in the 15th century was the first major watershed in the development of modern day accounting theory, the following centuries were also witness to a number of major developments in Europe and Asia in the area of business recording and accounting, many of which contributed to the development of modern day accounting principles and policies. Notwithstanding Pacioli’s seminal contribution to accounting methodology, a number of other renaissance forces also helped in giving body and shape to the discipline; key factors among these being the concept of private property, capital, widespread commerce, money, the use of credit, the development of arithmetic, and the growing use of writing for recording transactions. Although many of these factors did exist in ancient times, they were not found together, until the Middle-Ages, in a form and strength necessary to push for the innovation of double entry. Accounting rules, policies and practices evolved over time in response to the needs of businesses and to a range of developments. The emergence of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century led accountants to devise accounting methods for finding the cost of production; large scale production of goods in the United States led to the formulation of cost accounting procedures, the arrival of income tax laws saw substantial modifications in the practice of keeping accounting records, and the great depression of the early decades of the 20th century led to the introduction of standards, the establishment of accounting principles and accounting frameworks. Josiah Wedgwood, the famous potter, contributed significantly to cost accounting by studying his books, manufacturing cost structure, overhead, and market structure to avoid bankruptcy during the recession. He became an accounting pioneer and his firm survives even today. Accountancy practices in recent years have been repeatedly scrutinised, modified and clarified through the setting up of accounting standards, the establishment of auditor responsibilities and the enactment of laws for appropriate disclosure. The reputation of the accounting profession has been severely tarnished by corporate scams and frauds like Enron, which has led to the questioning of accounting methods and principles, as well the integrity of the accounting profession. Accounting systems and practices, whilst developing side by side all over the world have followed distinctly different routes, being influenced by institutional and cultural factors. Institutional factors like legal systems, taxation laws, financing norms and methods, credit availability and stock exchange requirements, which have been markedly different for Anglo-Saxon, European, Central Asian, and East Asian environments have shaped the development of accounting systems accordingly. Researchers like Hofstede and Gray have theorised that cultural differences have also played a significant role in the establishment of different accounting systems in different countries. Gray took up Hofstede’s cultural hypotheses and linked them to the development of accounting systems in a meaningful way, stating that cultural or societal values permeated through organisational and occupational subcultures, and vice versa, though obviously the degree of integration differed from place to place. â€Å"Accounting systems and practices can influence and reinforce societal values† Development of Accounting Methods in the Public and Private Sectors The power of various influences to shape the development of accounting systems and methodologies is also evident in the shaping of accounting norms for the public sector and their significant differences from those adopted by or enforced upon the private sector; the public sector, basically implying corporations whose ownership vested with governments, and whose control was accordingly decided by government diktat. Whilst governments had until the 1930s focussed mainly on the controlling of law and order, defence, foreign policy, and similar other areas, the end of the Second World War saw them taking a far greater interest in business and commercial affairs, as well as in infrastructural sectors. Whilst some of these developments were due to the influence of socialist thought and the example set by socialist states, (where all businesses were controlled by the government), they were also influenced by the widespread disenchantment with the capitalist way of governance after the great depression of the 1930s. The huge task of nation building after the devastation caused by World War II made it necessary for governments to actually contribute to infrastructure building, nursing of revived industries, and setting up of new businesses. In the UK, activities like mining and railways were controlled by the government. In Italy the state owned IRI (Institute for Industrial Reconstruction) owned companies engaged in mining, steel, airlines, banking, telephones, and automobile manufacture, and in India the government, apart from controlling all infrastructural activity also controlled the majority of heavy business investment and activity. Substantial governmental control over infrastructural and commercial activity, in addition to its existing control over governmental departments, led to the evolution of a significantly different form of accounting than what was followed by the private sector. The most important of these differences concerned the mode of booking expenditures and incomes, which in the private sector worked on the accrual basis, even whilst the public sector chose to stay with the older method of recording them only after they had been realised in cash or kind. The cash basis of accounting, which records income or expenditure transactions only after such transactions have resulted in the physical receipt or payment of cash, constituted the commonly followed way of accounting for all enterprises, until the adoption of the accrual way of accounting by businesses, changed commonly held accounting perspectives. The cash system records accounting events when they become tangible, e. g. , when a customer’s check arrives, when a shipped product reaches the customer, or when money for a business-related expense is removed from the bank. Cash accounting registers income when money arrives and registers expenses when money goes out of the business. Even today the cash accounting method is a more familiar accounting method because of its use by most individuals in tracking of personal finances. Under this method, one’s income is taxable when it is received, and expenses are deductible when they are paid. Cash accounting remains a straightforward and easily understood method of record-keeping for tax purposes. The accrual method on the other hand approaches accounting events in real time. A sale is registered as soon as a customer receives a consignment even though the actual payment could come much later. Similarly an expense is recorded as soon as the event occurs and a liability recorded as soon as an event occur, whether it is purchase of material, use of services like water or electricity and use of employed or contracted labor, even though such transactions do not involve the simultaneous exchange of money. Over time most private sector businesses, apart from those controlled by small individuals or which were small in size, chose to switch over to the accrual system, forced as much by pressure from regulatory bodies and lending institutions, as by their desire to reflect more logical and realistic business and accounting outcomes. Most tax systems stipulate the compulsory use of accrual systems for private businesses after they achieve a certain size or adopt specified legal structures like those of privately owned or joint stock companies. Most public sector organisations, across the world, however chose to remain with the cash based system of accounting. Such decisions grew out of certain specific circumstances. Governments are essentially different in their nature from businesses, the information required for better understanding and assessment of the financial operations of government organisations extending beyond the reporting of surpluses and deficits. Governments, unlike the private sector, whilst required to run their operations efficiently, are required to provide goods and services to the public, which in some cases becomes more important than making profits. The measurement of surpluses or deficits is in many cases not the primary indicator of the performance of government working. In many countries the public sector continues to retain a separate and different approach from the private sector. Their services are often provided free at the point of use and there is little or no direct link between the cost of these and government income, which is mainly in the form of taxation. The government, in many cases, decides upon the amount of grants required for specific public sector organisations through the formulation of budgets and provides the same on a periodic basis; many such organisations preferring to call their financial statements â€Å"receipt and expenditure† rather than profit and loss statements. The accounting policies of public sector organisations are also shaped by their different reporting requirements. Private sector organisations, especially those that are legally structured as joint stock companies need to provide a true and fair description of their financial performance for the benefit of their shareholders, the tax authorities, and other stakeholders. Even smaller organisations need to necessarily satisfy the requirements of tax departments and their owners, and their accountants routinely adopt the accrual system for recording transactions and preparing statements. Reporting requirements for government controlled organizations is significantly different. Comparison of actual disbursals and expenses with those budgeted is a routine requirement, a need that is more conveniently filled through the use of cash accounting records. The managements of such organisations also have to report on specific information needs of various bodies, including supervisory government departments, parliamentary bodies, and the governmental auditors. Conclusion Recent years have seen extensive debate in public sector accounting and the changes made in many countries for shifting from the cash to the accrual basis of accounting. Public sector working has been influenced during the last three decades by the concepts of New Public Management, (NPM), which expressly calls for enhancement of the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of public service delivery through the implementation of a wide range of changes that include deregulation, decentralisation, outsourcing, substitution of input control by output control, result orientation, responsibility assignment and introduction and implementation of private sector management techniques. Whilst the adoption of the accrual system of accounting will lead to the production of more logical and more accurate financial statements, the convergence process will need extensive retraining and education not just of public sector accountants but also of public sector auditors and the users of these financial statements. Such lack of familiarity may lead to inaccuracies in the preparation of financial statements and will need to be addressed through appropriate training and skills upgradation of the concerned people. With the aim of public sector reforms being the dismantling of bureaucracy and more efficient use of resources, increased managerial autonomy and discretion is being accompanied by an emphasis on more extensive accounting practices. Again with accounting playing a key role in NPM implementation and in public sector reforms, the need for greater convergence between public and private sector accounting is being increasingly evidenced. Significant accounting reforms are taking place in many countries, more specifically in the United States, the UK, and West and Nordic Europe. Many public sector companies are changing their accounting policies to institutionalise accrual accounting for budgetary and external financial reporting purposes in order to provide useful information about liabilities, debt, usage of assets, and the cost of public services Whilst change is coming about slowly in public sector accounting, the issue is still being debated vigorously in many countries. The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) formulated the â€Å"Guideline for Governmental Financial Reporting† in 1998 to help public sector units at all levels to prepare their financial reports on the basis of accruals. The IFAC Guideline, along with the International Accounting Standards (IAS) followed by the private sector, make the basis for the International Public sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) developed by the Public sector Committee (PSC) of IFAC.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Are Bull Markets Supported By Rational Growth in Stock Valuations? :: Finance Financial Economics Essays

Introduction â€Å"The rich get richer† is a frequently heard adage in the United States, a country quickly associated with capitalism. US financial markets make headline news on a daily basis, so people are well aware when the domestic stock market’s indices rise or fall. Given the widespread distribution of information on the stock market’s performance, much excitement can easily be generated during a bull market, broadly defined as a trend during which stock prices are climbing. Does the publicity and excitement surrounding a bull market further perpetuate rising stock prices? A look at historic daily closing values for the S&P 500 index from January 2, 1997 to December 31, 1999 reveals overall growth of 99.35%[i], which on average indicates similar growth in the stock prices of the companies included in the index. Clearly, this three year period falls within a bull market, since the S&P 500 is commonly utilized to represent average performance of the stock market on the whole. A return of 99.35% on an investment is excellent and far exceeds the general return on â€Å"risk-free† investments like FDIC insured savings accounts or Treasury bills. [i] Percent change calculation derived from widely published market data Examination of Common Stock Valuation to Account for Rising Share Prices Like most economic evaluations, the decision to purchase a share of a company’s stock is based on an individual’s willingness to pay versus the current selling price of the share. Fundamentally, the willingness to pay is determined by a valuation of that share of stock. For a given share of common stock, the willingness to pay is, or should be, linked to the present value of the stream of future cash flows that the investor will receive from expected dividends and through any expected capital gain for selling the share at a higher price than at which it was purchased.[i] Thus, there are three main factors the affect the valuation of a share of common stock: future dividends, future market price of the share, and the discount rate used. [i] Fundamentals of Financial Management, Eugene F. Brigham & Joel F. Houston, Harcourt College Publishers: Forth Worth, 2001. (p. 409) Future Dividends Are Bull Markets Supported By Rational Growth in Stock Valuations? :: Finance Financial Economics Essays Introduction â€Å"The rich get richer† is a frequently heard adage in the United States, a country quickly associated with capitalism. US financial markets make headline news on a daily basis, so people are well aware when the domestic stock market’s indices rise or fall. Given the widespread distribution of information on the stock market’s performance, much excitement can easily be generated during a bull market, broadly defined as a trend during which stock prices are climbing. Does the publicity and excitement surrounding a bull market further perpetuate rising stock prices? A look at historic daily closing values for the S&P 500 index from January 2, 1997 to December 31, 1999 reveals overall growth of 99.35%[i], which on average indicates similar growth in the stock prices of the companies included in the index. Clearly, this three year period falls within a bull market, since the S&P 500 is commonly utilized to represent average performance of the stock market on the whole. A return of 99.35% on an investment is excellent and far exceeds the general return on â€Å"risk-free† investments like FDIC insured savings accounts or Treasury bills. [i] Percent change calculation derived from widely published market data Examination of Common Stock Valuation to Account for Rising Share Prices Like most economic evaluations, the decision to purchase a share of a company’s stock is based on an individual’s willingness to pay versus the current selling price of the share. Fundamentally, the willingness to pay is determined by a valuation of that share of stock. For a given share of common stock, the willingness to pay is, or should be, linked to the present value of the stream of future cash flows that the investor will receive from expected dividends and through any expected capital gain for selling the share at a higher price than at which it was purchased.[i] Thus, there are three main factors the affect the valuation of a share of common stock: future dividends, future market price of the share, and the discount rate used. [i] Fundamentals of Financial Management, Eugene F. Brigham & Joel F. Houston, Harcourt College Publishers: Forth Worth, 2001. (p. 409) Future Dividends

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Public Speaking – Friends and Friendship.

HPD 111 – PUBLIC SPEAKING ENGLISH MOHD HAFIZAN BIN MOHAMAD SAH 2010319793 OUTLINE TOPIC: Friends and friendship. OUTLINE Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about who are friend, and what is friendship. Central Idea: friends are people whom will always be at your side whenever you need to express or share your feeling and do some activities with them. Introduction I. It was a few years ago when I saw a group of teenagers do some bully to a teenager. However, that teenager didn’t report their activities to police but he got back up by some other teenagers whose are his friend came to elp him out. II. When I saw this incident, I have learnt that friends are essential whenever we are in pinch. III. They could help us out whenever we in serious trouble. IV. Today, I would like to inform you about friend and friendship. (Transition: Let’s start with the first point about friendship. ) Body I. Friendship is a blessing for us. A. Friends will help us whenever we are in a pinch. 1. True friends will help us from any trouble. 2. Friends will challenge us to attain our original limits with encouragement when we allow ourselves not to go beyond our easonable boundaries. B. They will cheer us when we’re sorrowful or depressed. 1. Friends will motivate us when we’re ready to give in, and they can provide for us when life falls apart. 2. Friendship is a blessing, and a friend is the channel through whom great emotional, spiritual, and sometimes even physical blessings flow. (Transition: Now you knew that friendship is like blesses to us, let’s look about the other meaning of friendship. ) II. Friendship is everlasting relationship. A. Friendship is the only everlasting feature in the world. 1. Friends will try to find new ways to make you not to fall into depression. 2. Friends can also make us realised that depression won’t help us from solving any trouble. B. Friendship will grow slowly as we experienced new things with friends and it will not be removed easily. 1. They will find innovative ways to stop us from falling, failing and try to get help to lift us up. 2. They will give us some good advice to rebuild strength on facing any troubles. (Transition: Given there about everlasting friendship, I’m sure you want to know what’s next. ) III. Friendship will give us courage to go through life. A. Friends, they are the only source of our brave hearts. 1. Friends will make us show more efforts and spirits when doing something that we can’t do before. 2. Friends will come to us to help us solve our problems. B. Friendship is one of our sources to become brave while making some activities that need more courage. 1. Friendship gives courage to our mind and body. 2. Friends will help us to escape from big troubles. Conclusion I. As we have look through there are lots things to consider about friends and friendship. II. Friends are the most precious treasure to us and we need to keep it in good condition. III. In case of getting some friends, you need to find the loyal friends in your life so that your relationship will become worthy at the end. Bibliography Albert, Prakash (2010). Friends and Friendship – Who are friends, and what are friendship. Lepp, Ignace (1966). The Ways of Friendship. New York: The Macmillan Company. L'Abate, Luciano (2007). Friendship, social support, and health. Low-cost approaches to promote physical and mental health: Theory, research, and practice. (pp. 455–472). xxii, 526 pp. New York.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Existentialism and Humanistic Psychology Essay

Angst, in the very nature of its use in Existentialism, is a state of being that is not completely negative in itself as common people might think. In a more positive sense, I believe angst is the full recognition of one’s freedom. Angst is the result of one’s realization that he is free and that nothing will ever hold him back. It becomes negative because once a person gets a deeper understanding of how free he is, he tends to fear that he might not be able to do things right and since nothing is holding him back, there is nothing to blame in case he fails. In short, angst is â€Å"fear of the nothing† (Park, 1999). It is different from normal fear which comes from the environment and has an object and a possible solution. For example, I fear spiders so I stay away from dusty and old places. The object of the fear is ‘spiders’ and the solution is to ‘stay away from dusty and old places’. In angst, the fear comes from within and there is basically neither object nor solution. There is only angst. And that is what makes angst a terrible state. I think it is very difficult to feel this way because it is like asking questions with no answers. And if ever I get into this terrible state, I think will do one thing: convince myself to believe that there is nothing to fear and that I have my family who will accept me no matter what. Meanwhile, the whole concept of Humanistic Psychology (the American version of Existentialism, I’ve read) interests me in a special way. The different theories of Rogers, Maslow, Csikszentmihalyi, among others that I learned from Chapter 13 gave me a step by step understanding into the inquiry of my existence. I can’t conclude though that they all are right but certainly, they provide interesting thoughts worth pondering (especially Rogers’ 19 Propositions). The humanistic theories they present are different from the ones we learned in previous chapters because they focus on the experiences of the human person rather than on things that are inherent or already existing such as biology, genes, or hidden motives. This means that since the theories of Humanists such as Rogers and Maslow focus on continuing experience of the person, they give a more positive approach knowing that these experiences that shape a person can vary depending on how he reacts to events. In a simpler way, while Bem’s theories seem to say â€Å"Your mother has cancer so you will have cancer, too. It’s in the blood† humanists say â€Å"Your mother has cancer. With the right attitude and lifestyle, you can prevent having cancer yourself. † Humanists are a lot friendlier. I agree with these humanists, for the most part at least. I agree with the general thought of a person’s experience shaping his personality. However, there is one thing I personally disagree based on experience. Rogers said that â€Å"this outcome [fully functioning person] could only occur for individuals who had received unconditional positive regard from the important people in their lives† (Funder, 2007). I disagree with this because I know some people who, despite suffering from neglect from the people they love, still feel good about themselves and have great personalities. On the other hand, I give my nod to Maslow when he said â€Å"higher needs such as self-actualization could come to the fore only after more basic needs related to survival and security became satisfied† (Funder, 2007). I personally believe self-fulfillment is a hierarchy and a continuing process. Thoughts on Punishment and Efficacy Theory â€Å"Punishment is a useful technique of operant conditioning if it is applied correctly, which it almost never is† (Funder, 2007). I am especially caught by the last phrase of the quote: it almost never is. I think punishment is something that is very tricky. It is difficult to use in the appropriate way but if you get it right, bingo! It is very effective. What’s wrong with punishment is when one uses it in the wrong way. Self-Efficacy has always been my thing from the start, but I never realized it until I learned about it from our discussion. I have always been a positive thinker even amidst hard times. My working in Intel gives me new challenges every day and because of my belief that I can do all the demands of work, I accomplish them well. I live by the adage â€Å"Believe in yourself because if you don’t, nobody else will†. With this, I get more confidence to push on higher.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Journal of Child Psychology Review Sample

Journal of Child Psychology Review Sample Journal of Child Psychology Review Sample Journal of Child Psychology Review Sample According to research conducted in Brigham Young University, which performed memory tests on the 5 month old babies, babies actually remembered the shapes, which were introduced to them through happy voices and faces! Studies had also indicated that young babies were highly tuned to several emotions which even included animals’ emotions. The researchers thought that the positive impacts heightened the attention arousal and system of the babies. It was wondered as to whether the parents who were fond of talking and playing with their five month old babies knew if their children remembered such memories a day later. They, therefore, believed that through using such system, the ability of such children to not only process but also remember the geometric patterns was improved (Ross, et al, 2014). Babies Remember Nothing but a Good Time A new study conducted by BYU further asserts that, indeed, the children were capable of remembering such good times. Babies were more easily capable of remembering something especially if it was attached to positive emotions or the affect which accompanied it. It can further be revealed that despite the fact that people have done lots of studies regarding the memory in infants through studying the discrimination that was prevalent in the emotional affect, it was prudent for new studies to focus on how such emotions were capable of influencing the memory of young people (Dunstan, et al, 2012). It should be noted that despite the fact that young children do not talk, there are various ways that researchers can use in order to analyze the way through which babies respond to different types of testing. For instance, the researchers are able to monitor the movements of the eyes and even ascertain how long the young babies looked at test images. In some of the experiments, the young babies were set in front of the large panel monitor located in a closed off partition where they were exposed to an individual on a screen. The individual on the screen then spoke to them using different emotions, for instance, a neutral, angry or happy voice. After the emotional exposure, the children were then shown geometric shapes. In order to test the children’s memory, the researchers in the study conducted a 5 minute follow up test which was also done in one day. During the follow up test, the children in the study were shown 2 side by side geometric sets in which one was a brand new one, while the original one came from the study. Based on that, researchers in the study recorded the number of times that the baby was able to look from one specific image to another one and the duration that was spent by the baby on observing each specific image. It was revealed that the memory of the babies did not improve if the shapes had been attached or paired with negative voices. But it was ascertained that the children performed better in remembering the shapes which were associated with the positive voices (Katzmarzky, et al, 2009). Based on experiments and research studies done, it was clear that indeed, the positive impact was capable of heightening or rising both the arousal and attention system of the young children and by using such systems, researchers were able to raise their ability of both processing and remembering the â€Å"geometric patterns† (Clark, et al, 2012). Eating Disorders Despite of what is thought by most people, it should be noted that a feeling of guilt does not in any manner or way help in the processes of â€Å"goal setting or dieting†. Indeed, it should be realized that the inclusion or composition of exercise of â€Å"a feeling of guilt† after the binge in the â€Å"cheating routines† of people is prone to work against people thus leading them to the â€Å"cheating spree† in a short duration. It is quite a genuine fact that parents in the contemporary society are faced with numerous challenges associated with fostering of both healthy food habits and attitudes. At most times, this will normally comprise of a tricky balance of firmness and relaxation. It has further been known that those parents who usually regulate and restricte the food choices normally do not foster a confident and relaxed approach towards food. There is, therefore, a dire need for role modelling and guidance in order to help the young people on th e issues that have to do with diets and eating disorders (Thorp, et al, 2011). Eating Issues in the Adolescent Girls Parents encounter numerous new challenges especially when it comes to the â€Å"slippery-slope time† for the adolescent girls even if the childhood eating disorders or issues have either been non-existent or minimal. Parents have been in dilemma as to whether to freak out or encourage in cases where their normal weight teens are in need of dieting. They therefore fail to decide if they should call therapists when their daughters say they are fat or whether they should just have a talk with them. Don’t Just Sit There, Do Something! Thanks to new technologies, it has been determined that most of the young people as well as adults spend a lot of their time just sitting in cars, in schools and even at home either playing computer games or watching television as opposed to active pastime. However, what young people fail to understand is the fact that such labor-saving devices actually come at high cost. This is because before the advent of such technology, the human population lived in both agrarian and hunter-gatherer cultures and as a result, the regular movements were capable of supporting their natural metabolic processes. Young people have failed to comprehend that their bodies are not able to function well if they just sit around. Recent studies have indicated that prolonged sitting was closely related to depression, anxiety, inflammation, anxiety, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, type 2 Diabetes and cancer. It will be prudent for young people to note that prolonged â€Å"sedentary behaviour† cannot be compensated through regular work outs. This is attributed to the fact that indeed, if the individual sits at the computer for a long period of time while working, and then goes to the gym to carry out high intensity workouts for approximately three to four days a week, he will still suffer as a result of the adverse impacts of prolonged sedentary hours (Karen, et al, 2014). What Ought to Be Done There are various measures that can be taken to ensure that â€Å"too many sedentary hours† are avoided by all. This includes taking short breaks of about 5 minutes to stand up and have a walk around. Studies have indicated that these can greatly help in the restoration of the body’s normal functioning, thus, reducing chances of cardiovascular risk occurrences as well as enhancing glucose metabolism. Despite the fact that more research is required in order to fully comprehend the process, it should be noted that health psychologists are continually establishing interventions aimed at the reduction of this problem. For instance, the use of sitting on the exercise balls ss opposed to the use of standing desks. Changes can therefore be made to improve the lives of not only children but all people through: Ensuring that children take good active exercises on a regular basis Taking of regular stretch breaks while watching TV or playing computer games. Encouraging children to take short breaths and releasing them slowly. Can Reading Fictional Stories Make One Become More Empathetic? There are various reasons that neuroscience has put forward in order to explain why reading fiction stories can make an individual’s brain become more empathetic. After mapping of the brains by the Neuroscientists, it was discovered that through reading fiction, a person is able to tap into the brain networks of the characters and make their experiences become one’s own. It is strongly believed that when one becomes fully engaged in reading a story that is fictional, then the brains â€Å"literally lives vicariously† through the neurological levels of the characters. For instance, according to researchers based at the Carnegie Mellon University, when one reads a chapter of either the â€Å"Sorcerer’s Stone Lights Up† or â€Å"Harry Potter†, one’s brain regions will be as involved as if one was watching somebody move or even see the flying of a broom in the actual world. Indeed, neuroscientists across the worlds have been using the â€Å"brain imaging technology† in order to hone upon the specific neural networks and brain regions, which are activated when an individual reads fiction. Conclusively, it seemed that through reading fiction, the readers’ ability of putting themselves in the shoes of other people and flexing imagination easily occurred. In addition to that, it was ascertained that reading fiction was capable of enhancing the theory of mind. The theory refers to the ability of attributing the mental states, for instance, intents, beliefs, pretending, desires and knowledge not only to oneself, but also to other people, and to comprehend that other people have desires, beliefs and intentions which are different as opposed to one’s own. Why Over Scheduling Kids Is Bad Children, just like adults, become stressed because of having too much to do. Excessive workloads for children can have a negative impact on their lives and therefore there is more that needs to be done to ensure a conducive environment for the children is created. Children should be helped to learn how their time can be managed more efficiently and effectively. While some of parenting experts argued that over scheduling the children did not cause them any harm, others were of the opposite opinion. Some of them, therefore, argued that too many activities for the young people was a great problem (Feiler, 2013). Parents were blamed for being interested in their children’s lives too much, thus making them participate in numerous activities aimed at competing with other children. It was further argued that there were higher risks of distracting the young people out of their natural development through engaging them in lots of activities before reaching 11 or 12 years old, because it is during such a period of their lives that self-consciousness is developed. There is, therefore, a dire need for the children to get enough time for free play time, lying around and even having activities that are non-goal oriented with their parents. On the other hand, psychologists have argued that there is nothing wrong with having children indulge in too many activities, especially those dealing with enrichment, so long as the parents ensure that their children have ample time free from activities as well. They, therefore, assert that it is good for children to be scheduled to have musical activities or even sports and other activities that should be organized and supervised by mature people. Indeed, it was established that outside activities are capable of making the children become all rounded people. However, they further noted that problems arise when parents become interested in putting too much scrutiny on the performance of the children in their activities, since doing so makes children lack the fun that they initially intended to have (Wedge, 2014). It is prudent to note that scheduling can either be termed as being too bad or good for the children, if first of all, it is determined whether the motivation for the activities that the children are engaged in is coming from the child or from their parents. If the motivation for the activities that the child is engaged in comes from the child, then over scheduling in that case will be quite constructive. However, if the motivation to engage in such activities arises from the pressure of the parents, then such over scheduling is not only punitive for the young children but also harmful for their growth. Parents should always be careful when dealing with young people, especially those aged between 13 and 19, because this is a transitional stage that marks the end of childhood to adulthood. This is also due to the fact that the transition period brings a lot of independence issues as well as self identity. The Impact of Marketing and Advertising on Children or Young People as Consumers The United States’ economy is supported by both advertising and marketing, which are known for the promotion of the sale of both goods and services to the final consumers. Both children and adults are included into this category. Despite the fact that most of the marketing in the contemporary world has for a long period of time been targeting the children, there are two major trends which have significantly increased the interest of such marketers in child consumers. One of the major trends is children’s discretionary income coupled with their own power or ability to influences the purchases that are made by their parents. The second trend lies in the fact that the significant increase in the number of the available television channels has also resulted in a smaller audience for the channels. As a result, the digital interactive technologies have also opened new avenues or routes that have narrowed the cast to the young children and therefore led to the enlargement of t he children’s media space, as well as the children’s products (Calvert, 2008). At most times, it has been ascertained that paid advertising for the young people or specifically the children has primarily involved the television sports, which usually feature food products and toys that are high in sugar and fat, but very low in nutritional values. However, new marketing strategies have now been developed, which have led to stealth marketing methods as well as online advertisements. For instance, such methods are the embedding of various products in the contents of programs, such as, video games, online programs and films. Such marketing strategies are known to make younger children, especially those who are less than 8 years old, become more vulnerable, since they do not have cognitive skills of comprehending the persuasive intents of online and television advertisements. However, it should be ascertained that there are various government regulations, which have been implemented by both the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission with an aim of providing some form of protection for the children or young people from both the marketing and advertising practices. It has further been determined that regulators have been known to exert more control on the content of the scarce media, and most specifically, television airwaves that are known to belong to the public, as opposed to the content they put on online spaces which are more open. Calvert (2008) further asserts that children in the contemporary society are growing up in a marketing environment, which is highly sophisticated and which is capable of influencing both their behaviours as well as their preferences. The dominance in the use of television sets in most of the homes in the United States, as well as in other places around the world, made advertisers quickly discover that they could use such a medium in order to bring their products and services to the attention of a larger or mass audience comprising of both the old and young people, and therefore deliver a hefty supply of adults and children to business. The contemporary advertising and marketing has permeated the daily lives of the children and in addition to that, most of the products which are marketed to the young children are not only ,unhealthy but they are also known to promote the occurrence of obesity. It is quite unfortunate that most of the children do not comprehend the intention of such persuasive advertisements and even the older children find it difficult to understand the new marketing methods that have now become notorious for blurring the line between the program and commercial content (Media Research, 2007).

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Republican Women in the US Senate 2017â€2019

Republican Women in the US Senate 2017–2019 Five women represent Republicans as senators in the 115th Congress, running from 2017 through 2019. The number is one fewer than for the previous Congress as New Hampshires Kelly Ayotte lost re-election by only about 1,000 votes. Alaska: Lisa Murkowski First Elected: 2004 (Appointed in 2002 to fill a vacancy)Next Election: 2022 Lisa Murkowski is a moderate Republican from Alaska with a roller-coaster history. In 2002, she was appointed to the seat by her father, Frank Murkowski, who vacated it after being elected Governor. This move was viewed unfavorably by the public and she barely won her first full term in 2004. She won the seat by just 3 points on the same day George W. Bush won the state by more than 25 points. After Sarah Palin routed her father in the 2006 Gubernatorial primary, Palin and conservatives backed Joe Miller in 2010. Though Miller beat Murkowski in the primary, she launched a surprisingly successful write-in campaign and ended up winning a close three-way race. Iowa: Joni Ernst First Elected: 2014Next Election: 2020 Joni Ernst. Getty Images   Joni Ernst was the surprise candidate of the 2014 election cycle as she handily won the US Senate seat vacated by long-serving Democrat Tom Harkin. Democrat Bruce Braley was supposed to be the easy winner, but Ernst played to her Iowa roots and got off to a fast start after running a television spot comparing the castration of pigs to cutting pork in Washington. Ernst is a lieutenant colonel in the Iowa National Guard and had served in the Iowa State Senate since 2011. She won her US Senate seat in 2014 by 8.5 points. Maine: Susan Collins First Elected: 1996Next Election: 2020 Susan Collins is a moderate Republican from the Northeast, one of the few remaining as liberal Democrats have steadily increased their hold in the region. She is socially liberal and center-right on economic issues and she was a strong advocate for small businesses prior to her career in the US Senate. Collins is easily the most popular figure in the state and has seen her vote share increase in every election since 1996 when she won with just 49 percent of the vote. In 2002, she won with 58 percent of the vote, followed by 62 percent in 2012, then 68 percent in 2014. In 2020, she will be 67 years old and Republicans hope she stays around a bit longer. Nebraska: Deb Fischer First Elected: 2012Next Election: 2018 Deb Fischer represented one of the few highlights in the 2012 election for both conservatives and the Republican Party. She was not expected to be a contender in the GOP primary and was heavily outspent by two higher-profile Republicans in the state. Near the end of the primary campaign, Fischer received the endorsement of Sarah Palin and subsequently surged in the polls, landing a surprise win in the primary. Democrats saw this as an opening for former US Senator Bob Kerrey, who held the seat as recently until 2001. But it wasnt meant to be for the Democrats, and she defeated him in the general election by a landslide. Fischer is a rancher by trade and served in the state legislature since 2004. Senators Deb Fischer (lower center) and Shelley Moore Capito (above) celebrate passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Getty Images West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito First Elected: 2014Next Election: 2020 Shelley Moore Capito served seven terms in the US House of Representatives before deciding on a run for the US Senate. At the time, five-term Democratic incumbent Jay Rockefeller had not yet announced his plans. He opted for retirement rather than face the first real challenge of his career in more than two decades. Capito easily won both the Republican primary and the general election, becoming the first woman elected to the US Senate in West Virginia history. She also won a Senate seat for the GOP for the first time since the 1950s. Capito is a moderate Republican, but a solid upgrade from the 50-plus year drought for conservatives in the state.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Discusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Discusion - Essay Example Narrowing of attention is a self defense mechanism because it is inspired by fear. For example, when someone has been involved is a fire outbreak disaster, they live with a notion that fire is likely to happen any time. If they were rescued by jumping through the window, the person may always want to stay near open windows, (Bouyssou & Dubois, 2010). The house may be having fire extinguishers, fire exits and emergency doors. However, the person is likely to ignore all those options and think that the only way to escape a fire is through jumping through a window. A narrow attention is extremely limiting, and it eliminates the ability to think outside the box. The people involved tend to cling to the one method that might have worked for them. This refers to inability to make a quality decision due to availability of too much information. It is also referred to as infobesity. It occurs due to fast accumulation of information and ease of replication and transmission of information, (Bouyssou & Dubois, 2010). According to Bouyssou & Dubois (2010), another principal cause is the presence of large amounts of historical information. This makes hard to pick on the most appropriate decision. In case of a fire outbreak, and an experienced fire fighter is involved. He has more than five options to choose. They know how to use fire extinguishers, how to use the fire exits. As a fire fighter, he is trained to rescue people/novices. When he is caught up in a fire outbreak, all these ideas cross his mind. This slows the making of the final decisions and could affect the swiftness of his final response. Arguably Bouyssou & Dubois (2010), states that the ability to pick on the best option is put to the test. However, that is not enough. It is not enough make smart decisions; good decisions must be made in the right time. This is where information overload becomes detrimental, (Bouyssou & Dubois, 2010). By the time the fire fighter makes the final decision, the fire

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Role of Religon In Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Role of Religon In Diplomacy - Essay Example Religious leaders can understand the causes of conflicts more clearly than politicians. Religions work on the principles of morals whereas politics work on the principle of utility. In other words, politics always try to exploit as much as from a negotiation whereas religions may give more importance to the settling of disputes even if it sacrifice something. So, culturally motivated politics can be settled more effectively with the help of religions or religious leaders since the dialogues between religious leaders may help both the parties to realize the issue more deeply. At the same time it is difficult to solve all international disputes with the help of faith or religious leaders. There are many conflicts in which both the parties happens to be from the same religion. It should be noted that Iran and Iraq have engaged in a fierce battle few years before even though both the countries are dominated by Muslim religion. The influence of religion in Iranian politics was more than t hat in Iraq few years before. Even though Muslim leaders tried to solve Iran-Iraq conflicts amicably, Saddam’s dictatorship prevented them from doing so. Nobody can argue that Hitler like dictators will even hear the words of religious leaders. In short, settling cultural disputes between countries with the help of faith based diplomacy is difficult in some cases as cited in the above examples. Majority of the religions teach the importance of love in solving problems between people and cultures. Religious leaders should teach diplomats and politicians the necessities of solving cultural disputes based on moral and values rather than selfishness. In the current globalized world, religious leaders can play more useful roles in solving cultural problems. For example, Pope... This paper approves that it is difficult to solve all international disputes with the help of faith or religious leaders. There are many conflicts in which both the parties happens to be from the same religion. It should be noted that Iran and Iraq have engaged in a fierce battle few years before even though both the countries are dominated by Muslim religion. The influence of religion in Iranian politics was more than that in Iraq few years before. Even though Muslim leaders tried to solve Iran-Iraq conflicts amicably, Saddam’s dictatorship prevented them from doing so. Nobody can argue that Hitler like dictators will even hear the words of religious leaders. In short, settling cultural disputes between countries with the help of faith based diplomacy is difficult in some cases as cited in the above examples. Majority of the religions teach the importance of love in solving problems between people and cultures. Religious leaders should teach diplomats and politicians the nece ssities of solving cultural disputes based on moral and values rather than selfishness. In the current globalized world, religious leaders can play more useful roles in solving cultural problems. This report makes a conclusion that faith based diplomacy is essential in solving some of the culturally motivated disputers in this world. Albright’s opinions are extremely relevant and logical when we analyze some of the cultural conflicts existing in this world. Faith based diplomacy with the help of morals and values will be more effective than political diplomacy.